I am currently second-year a Ph.D. student at the Dept. of Computer Science, the University of Southern California (USC), fortunately to be advised by Prof. Chao Wang. Prior to USC, I did two RAs at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), respectively, advised by Prof. Daoyuan Wu and Prof. Shuai Wang. I received my B.E. in Cybersecurity from the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, in 2021.

My research interest lies in the intersection of Software Engineering, Formal Methods, and Programming Language. Specifically, I aim to improve the reliability and robustness of software by leveraging program analysis and verification techniques.

🔥 News

  • 01/2025:  🎉🎉 Invited to serve on PLDI AEC in 2025.
  • 10/2024:  🎉🎉 Our paper got accepted by POPL 2025!
  • 08/2024:  🎉🎉 Awarded USENIX Security Distinguished Artifact Reviewer!
  • 08/2024:  🎉🎉 I will be serving on ICSE AEC in 2025.
  • 01/2024:  🎉🎉 I will be serving on CAV AEC in 2024.
  • 08/2023:  🎉🎉 Started my Ph.D. at USC!

📖 Educations

  • 2023.08 - current, Ph.D. in Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California.
  • 2017.09 - 2021.06, B.E. in Cybersecurity, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Sichuan University.

💻 Experiences

  • 2024.05 - 2024.06, Thirteenth Summer School on Formal Techniques, Menlo College, CA.
  • 2022.10 - 2023.08, Research Assistant, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  • 2021.10 - 2022.10, Research Assistant, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  • 2019.07 - 20219.08, Visiting Student, National University of Singapore.

📝 Publications

💬 Services

  • Journal Reviewer: IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC, ACM TOSEM, Elsevier FGCS.
  • Program Committee: PLDI AEC’25, ICSE AEC’25, VALID 2025, USENIX Security’24 AEC, CAV’24 AEC, ECOOP’24 AEC, ISSTA’24 AEC.
  • External Review: PRDC’22, TSE’22’23, RAID’23, ICICS’23, FSE’23’24, CC’24, ICSE’24, ASE’24, ISSTA’25.

😁 Honors and Awards

  • USENIX Security Distinguished Artifact Reviewer, 2024.
  • CAV Verification Mentoring Workshop (VMW) Scholarship, 2024.
  • ACM SigSOFT CAPS Travel Grant, ESEC/FSE, 2022.